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A single oral dose
Where to buy diuretic lasix of ciprofloxacin 750 mg, doxycycline 600 and daptomycin 500 mg was sufficient to produce a mild fever in 10-day-old animal model of acute flaccid myelitis (Table 1). The efficacy of these antibiotics in inducing clinical disease this animal model was evaluated both in vitro and vivo. The response was evaluated by assessing the viability of various cells derived from animals infected with M. tuberculosis. These assays demonstrated that the cells were not affected by the antibiotics when treated with a single dose of ciprofloxacin, doxycycline, or daptomycin and that the antibiotic effects were potentiated when the bacteria incubated for up to 24 h with these antibiotics. The in vivo response was evaluated by assessing the survival of C. difficile infection the ileum of a 15-day-old animal model. C. difficile cells grown in culture were also stimulated by a single dose of ciprofloxacin, doxycycline, or daptomycin and were monitored for their viability at various time points after being treated with the antibiotics. results indicated that there was a statistically significant decrease in C. difficile survival when these antibiotics were administered to C. difficile-infected animals. Therefore, these antibiotics are effective in inducing clinical disease C. difficile-infected animals.
Table 1: Results from animal model of flaccid myelitis. Full size table
Further, the antibiotic daptomycin inhibited growth of M. tuberculosis and induced clinical disease in M. tuberculosis-infected rats (Table 1). Ciprofloxacin induced clinical disease in an animal model of clinical acute non-tractable myelitis (Table 2). Doxycycline induced clinical disease in an animal model of clinical acute non-tractable myelitis (Table 3).
Table 2: Daptomycin-induced clinical disease in a rat model of acute myelitis and the response of same animal type to different antibiotics.
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Table 3: Doxycycline-induced clinical disease in an animal model of acute myelitis and the response of same animal type to different antibiotics. Full size table
To evaluate if these antibiotics could be used to
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Table 4: Effect of daptomycin on the survival M. tuberculosis in animal models of clinical acute myelitis and the effect of this drug on clinical C. difficile-infected mice. Full size table
Table 5: Effect of ciprofloxacin on the survival M. tuberculosis in animal models of clinical acute myelitis and the effect of this drug on clinical C. difficile-infected mice. Full size table
In vitro studies indicated that ciprofloxacin and daptomycin were effective in inducing clinical disease cells derived from M. tuberculosis but not in cells derived from the myeloid cell line DBA/2 (Table 5). Furthermore, ciprofloxacin caused greater cell death in DBA/2 cells as compared with M. tuberculosis cells. This is consistent with the observation that DBA/2 cells are more resistant to apoptosis than M. tuberculosis cells, and these responses have been found in vitro. This finding indicates that these antibiotics are potent inhibitors of M. tuberculosis DNA synthesis in vitro. The effect of daptomycin on M. tuberculosis DNA synthesis was similar in mice and rats, but this
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