Static Code Analysis Tools
CAST Imaging - First-ever imaging system for software - The living knowledge base of your software inner workings. Find the answers you need in minutes instead of days.
Codacy - Catch code-level security vulnerabilities before merge
Codiga offers a birds-eye view of your code quality. The Codiga dashboard reports all important metrics about your code quality, showing the overall number of code violations, duplicates long and complex functions.
DeepSource, a Code Health Platform - Developers, security teams, and engineering leaders can take action proactively at every stage.
CodeQL - Discover vulnerabilities across a codebase. This industry-leading semantic code analysis engine lets you query code as though it were data.
Sonargraph-Developer allows developers to check for issues either by using our plugins for Eclipse or IntelliJ and/or by using the Sonargraph-Architect application in read-only mode in parallel to your IDE.
JetBrains dotCover is a .NET unit test runner and code coverage tool that integrates with Visual Studio and JetBrains Rider.
NDepend offers an in-depth .NET code quality management experience via an interactive web report.
Parasoft JTest, an AI-optimized static analysis and AI-powered automated unit testing tool- Accelerate Java software development to deliver reliable, secure, and maintainable software.
CodeMRI Platform is a command-line utility (comprised of CodeMRI Care and CodeMRI Portfolio products) that works with Windows and Linux.
Snyk Code - Secure your code as it’s written with static application security testing built by, and for, developers.
SonarQube - Empower development teams with a code quality and security solution that deeply integrates into your enterprise environment; enabling you to deploy clean code consistently and reliably.
Sonatype Vulnerability Scanner can quickly identify potential vulnerabilities in your software, which you can then easily prioritize and attend to, ensuring your software is of the highest quality
Squore is an innovative decision-making dashboard that enables quality management of software development