Kubernetes Cost Optimization Tools

  • ScaleOps - Reduce K8s costs by up to 80% using automatic optimization to pods and nodes to meet real-time demand without sacrificing performance
  • Kubecost provides real-time cost visibility and insights for teams using Kubernetes, helping you continuously reduce your cloud costs.
  • Lens provides an unparalleled experience for managing and troubleshooting workloads through one intuitive context-aware UI.
  • Kubevious helps you avoid breaking apps and producing bad or conflicting configurations. It brings operational safety to your apps and makes your teams efficient and successful
  • Goldpinger makes calls between its instances to monitor your networking. It runs as a DaemonSet on Kubernetes and produces Prometheus metrics that can be scraped, visualised and alerted on
  • Karpenter simplifies Kubernetes infrastructure with the right nodes at the right time.
  • KubeLinter analyzes Kubernetes YAML files and Helm charts and checks them against various best practices, with a focus on production readiness and security.
  • Harness - Control cloud costs with Intelligent Automation
  • Densify - AI Driven Analytics that precisely determine optimal resource settings for Kubernetes containers, pods and nodes
  • StormForge - Double Kubernetes Efficiency to Optimize Cost and PerformanceShell-operator is a tool for running event-driven scripts in a Kubernetes cluster.
  • Spot by NetApp automates and optimizes your cloud infrastructure in AWS, Azure or Google Cloud to deliver SLA-backed availability and performance at the lowest possible cost.
  • Yotascale - Single-pane-of-glass platform that's enterprise rated and future-proofed
  • Loft vCluster - Instantly spin up 100s of Kubernetes clusters in seconds and for a fraction of the cost of “real” clusters which can cut k8s costs by 50%.
  • Vantage - Create reports for complex cloud cost allocation. Filter and group costs by multiple dimensions
  • CloudZero - Cloud Cost Efficiency And Optimization - Allocate 100% of your cloud spend to identify savings opportunities.