Kubernetes Cost Optimization Tools
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Computing Paradigms
Digital Infrastructure
ScaleOps - Reduce K8s costs by up to 80% using automatic optimization to pods and nodes to meet real-time demand without sacrificing performance
Kubecost provides real-time cost visibility and insights for teams using Kubernetes, helping you continuously reduce your cloud costs.
Lens provides an unparalleled experience for managing and troubleshooting workloads through one intuitive context-aware UI.
Kubevious helps you avoid breaking apps and producing bad or conflicting configurations. It brings operational safety to your apps and makes your teams efficient and successful
Goldpinger makes calls between its instances to monitor your networking. It runs as a DaemonSet on Kubernetes and produces Prometheus metrics that can be scraped, visualised and alerted on
Karpenter simplifies Kubernetes infrastructure with the right nodes at the right time.
KubeLinter analyzes Kubernetes YAML files and Helm charts and checks them against various best practices, with a focus on production readiness and security.
Harness - Control cloud costs with Intelligent Automation
Densify - AI Driven Analytics that precisely determine optimal resource settings for Kubernetes containers, pods and nodes
StormForge - Double Kubernetes Efficiency to Optimize Cost and PerformanceShell-operator is a tool for running event-driven scripts in a Kubernetes cluster.
Spot by NetApp automates and optimizes your cloud infrastructure in AWS, Azure or Google Cloud to deliver SLA-backed availability and performance at the lowest possible cost.
Yotascale - Single-pane-of-glass platform that's enterprise rated and future-proofed
Loft vCluster - Instantly spin up 100s of Kubernetes clusters in seconds and for a fraction of the cost of “real” clusters which can cut k8s costs by 50%.
Vantage - Create reports for complex cloud cost allocation. Filter and group costs by multiple dimensions
CloudZero - Cloud Cost Efficiency And Optimization - Allocate 100% of your cloud spend to identify savings opportunities.
Digital Tech.
Reliability Engineering
Cloud Computing
IT Operations